EDG's expertise in energy management and control systems has blossomed to provide a complete range of building services solutions. Why not try us ?


EDG's expertise in both consultancy and as a contractor in the building services grew out from EDG's work with Energy Management and Control systems (EMCS). EDG's impressive record in EMCS includes over 600 projects ranging from single buildings to full blown SCADA systems capable of handling over 100 structures within one complex.

Some of the many spheres of the building services industry in which EDG now operates is summarised below

Building Electrical Services

Lighting and power, lifts, escalators, standby power generation, emergency lighting, flood, security and decorative lighting, piped music and television, lightning protection

Building Mechanical Services

Heating systems, air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation, cold water supplies, drinking water distribution, water treatment, overhead cranes, pneumatic booster equipment, acoustics, laboratory services and equipment.

Building Management Systems

Building energy management systems, complete integrated building control systems inclusive of such items as security, environment, power management and personnel access.

Fire Protection Services

Sprinklers, wet and dry risers, gas flooding, hose-reel and extinguisher systems, manual and automatic alarm systems, computer and transformer room protection

Security Services

Intruder detection and alarm systems, entry control, CCTV surveillance, perimeter fencing, security flood, infra red lighting, complete control systems

Factory Planning

Machine selection, flow line analysis, plant layout, cost flow sheets, automation

Industrial Services

Compressed air, vacuum lines, industrial gas supplies, fuel storage and handling, water cooling systems, cold rooms, industrial cooling, freeze drying, fruit storage etc

Hospital Services

Theatre air conditioning, intensive care facilities, piped gases, waste incineration

Waste Disposal

Waste incinerators, banknote incinerators, flue gas washers, chemical and effluent treatment, water treatment, pollution control, filtration

Airport Systems

Baggage handling, hanger engineering services, workshops, lifts and escalators

Insurance Reports

Technical reports with photographs, loss adjustment advice, graded engineering inspections for insurance companies for loss of profit, public liability and explosion policies

Engineering Advice

Clearance through local regulations on negotiated contracts and turn-key projects, specialist welding, laboratory testing